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Amanita phalloides, also referred to as Death Cap is a toxic, non-native mushroom first introduced to North America in the last century, and only few have been around the area since the mid 1990s


Public attention about the mushroom first started in 2015 when someone died in Victoria after accidental consumption of the toxic substances. In fact, worldwide the death cap is responsible for 90% of mushroom deaths. Within the same time frame, scientists on Vancouver Island also became alerted to a potential spread of Amanita phalloides to native trees.  


In Vancouver, the Death Cap was first noted in 2008 with subsequent spotting in the following years around the City. All of the sitings, except one, were associated with the hornbeam (Carpinus species) - a non-native tree which is popular in urban settings due to horticultural reasons. 


This project was carried out in collaboration with Vivian Miao, who was interested the project’s input and output in updating available information and representation of the Amanita phalloides sitings and future possible threats. Efficient analysis of the data was especially mentioned by Vivian as the Centre for Disease Control of British Columbia is becoming ever more concerned about raising awareness and staying informed about the death cap mushroom. 

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